
Microbiological diagnostics identify infectious agents in the appropriate biological material and test it with a suitably wide or narrow range of antibiotics. The exact cause and right medication for treatment are thus determined.. The results can be obtained within 72 hours of submission of the material in the laboratory. This kind of testing can be done on all types of secretions : eye, ear, throat, nasal, sputum, vaginal, urethral, ​​prostate, ejaculation, urine, blood, etc.

The benefits for patients are significant:

- Fast and accurate professional diagnosis
- Drastic reduction of the costs of inappropriate treatments
- A fast cure

Each patient, even without referral by a doctor, can be thoroughly advised at our regristration desks on the necessary tests, quantity and conditions for taking biological material in connection with his particular medical complaint.

Microbiology Laboratory "NADEJDA" , like all other sections of our laboratory, is subject to a national system of external quality control. It is with great pleasure that we inform our patients that for yet another year the lab has received the maximum score of 100 points out of 100 possible, which goes to prove the professionalism of the laboratory staff.

Dr. Violina Kaludova – Head of laboratory,

Ruska Kozhuharova – microbiology laboratory assistant,

Zoya Milanova – microbiology laboratory assistant,


A complex test “GENITAL SYSTEM“ for diagnostics of vaginal and urethral infections. The range includes:

1. Bacterial infection 2. Fungal infection (Candida albicans) 3.Trichomonas 4. Mycoplasma  hominis and 5. Ureaplasma urealyticum with isolation of the agent and detailed antibiogram.